After weeks of hard work and living in a giant mess the new house is approaching completion.The final big job is installing the network, which is coming along nicely. There is also still a lot of cleaning up to do, everything needs to be put away in new places. Of course, I haven’t abandoned building …

Hello, is anyone there?
As you might have noticed, things are a bit quiet around here (and my YouTube channel) lately. A lack of progress on my latest project is one of the reasons but we also recently bought a new house.This means all my projects and gear is in boxes in preperation of the move and selling process …

The internals of the T1600 PSU: A deep dive
As promised in my previous post this post will go in-depth on the internals of the T1600 PSU.Most of my work was done using the FIVPS2 revision of the board but most of it applies to the FIVPS3 and FIVPS4 revisions as well. There are only minor changes, a couple of the dual capacitors (the …

Toshiba T1600 – Power supply board – part 2
In the previous part on the Toshiba T1600 Power supply board I talked about how I traced the board and identified some of the mistery components on it. I also showed my repair efforts on the T1600/40’s PSU and how it required minimal effort to fix. As stated at the end of the previous part, …

Toshiba T1600 – Power supply board
In my last post about the Toshiba T1600 I took a first look at the machine and explained my first troubleshooting steps towards fixing the power supply (PSU) board.This post will go a bit further in-depth on the PSU, in on of the next posts I’ll explain a bit on how it works. This series …

The T1600: An oddball addition to the Toshiba family
And more PSU debugging Back in October I acquired a Toshiba T1600 for very little money.It didn’t look all that great from the advertisers pictures and was, as most of these late 80’s/early 90’s Toshiba laptops, sold as not working but I thought I’d take my chances with it.I really like the funky nature of …

T1000LE PSU – The finale (hopefully)
My intention to post weekly updates about the T1000LE PSU debugging hasn’t really worked out as “real life” got in the way a bit. Nevertheless, here is another, hopefully last update about the PSU as I’ve managed to repair all three machines. As I mentioned in my last post about these machine I started debugging, …
Debugging the T1000LE PSU
Today’s post is about debugging the T1000LE machines, specifically their power supplies.As I had to wait for some stuff to arrive for my mouldy Commodore 64 I had some time to dig deeper into the mystery that is the T1000LE’s PSU circuitry.And I went in, deep. I also posted to the Vintage Computer Federation forums …
A boxed but mouldy Commodore 64
Last weekend I picked up a boxed Commodore 64, including (boxed) 1541 diskdrive, datasette and “The Arcade joystick” as well as a (non-boxed) printer. The video below is part 1 in my mini-series on this machine.Part 2 will become available next week so be sure to subscribe and join me while we fix up and …
A bit about IDE drives
IDE drives, also known as PATA drives are a dying breed.Being superseded by SATA and M.2 this long-standing standard for hard drive interfaces has been discontinued for years now. This poses a problem for vintage computer enthusiasts like myself as these drives are no longer being manufactured and the existing ones are starting to show …